Taxation & revenue management
Effective revenue management, strong tax frameworks, transparency and citizen participation are hallmarks of accountable extractive-sector governance.
The World Bank has estimated the value of the world’s non-renewable natural resources (fossil fuels, metals and minerals) at $30 trillion, as of 2018. Accountable and effective management of governments’ share of these revenues should align with citizen priorities. Authorities in resource-rich countries require robust tax frameworks that maximize revenues and mobilize investment while minimizing risks, while transparency and accountability mechanisms ensure long-term sustainability of proceeds from the extractive industries.
NRGI’s research and programming helps officials to manage revenue volatility, spending priorities, savings, and debt, and also to achieve equity and efficiency in subnational revenue sharing. The organization supports tax authorities and state-owned companies in its priority countries to adapt to the energy transition, helping national treasuries to realize benefits from the boom in transition minerals. NRGI also collaborates with civil society actors, journalists and other stakeholders at national and local levels to bolster their ability to monitor governments’ management of revenue.
Making the grade
The Resource Governance Index assessed taxation and revenue management in 18 countries. Explore how each performed.
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