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2017 Resource Governance Index Launch Webcast

28 June 2017 9:30AM BDST

  • Event

  • Ending 11:30AM BDST


NRGI has unveiled the 2017 Resource Governance Index (RGI). The index includes new assessments of oil, gas and mining governance in 81 countries. It comprises primary research on value realization and revenue management, and draws on existing research to paint a picture of countries’ enabling environments for governance. The assessments take into account laws and practices concerning licensing, taxation, state-owned enterprises, sovereign wealth funds, subnational revenue sharing, national budgeting, local impacts of extraction, and more.

Index results and analysis are at, and a global webcast at 2:30 p.m. BST (8:30 a.m. COT/CDT, 9:30 a.m. EDT, 1:30 p.m. GMT, 4:30 p.m. EAT, 8:00 p.m. MMT, 8:30 p.m. WIB) on the launch date will feature:

Ernesto Zedillo
Professor of International Economics and Politics, Yale University
Former President of Mexico


Mohammed Amin Adam 
Deputy Minister of Energy (Petroleum)

Aidan Davy
Chief Operating Officer
International Council on Mining and Metals
(@aidan_davy, @ICMM_com)

Sean Hinton
Open Society Foundations
Daniel Kaufmann
President and CEO
Natural Resource Governance Institute
Carole Nakhle
Crystol Energy
(@Carole_Nakhle, @CrystolEnergy)

Elisa Peter
Executive Director
Publish What You Pay
(@ElisaPeter, @PWYPtweets)

The hashtag is #ResourceGovernanceIndex.
