The Opening Up Ownership Conference
23 October–24 October 2017
The Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI), in partnership with the government of Indonesia, organized an international beneficial ownership conference in Indonesia on 23-24 October 2017. The conference was an opportunity to showcase best practices, discuss challenges, provide peer-learning and exchange experiences. Visit the conference site here.
NRGI staff were involved in many aspects of the event, including appearances in three sessions:
NRGI president and CEO Daniel Kaufmann (@KaufPost) moderated a plenary discussion, "Ending company anonymity: The key to fighting corruption." Watch the webcase here:
NRGI also hosted a breakfast discussion of the 2017 Resource Governance Index.
NRGI governance program director Erica Westenberg led a workshop on "How to establish a legal and regulatory framework for beneficial ownership transparency."
Learn more about beneficial ownership and the extractive industries here.
Follow the conference conversation on Twitter using #BOEITI2017, #OpenUp and #BeneficialOwnership.