How Anticorruption Actors Can Use the EITI Standard
In June 2023, the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) adopted the 2023 EITI Standard, which introduced significant new requirements that are either mandatory, expected or encouraged for implementing countries and companies, compared to the 2019 Standard
In particular, the Standard now includes several obligations aimed at bringing more information into the public domain to advance gender equality, a just energy transition and anticorruption efforts.
In 2021, building on an EITI-commissioned paper on the role of the EITI in fighting corruption, NRGI published two reports which showed how anticorruption actors could use EITI disclosures and spaces to advance their work, and recommended ways to strengthen the role and potential of the EITI for anticorruption purposes.
In this new guide, NRGI updates its guidance for anticorruption actors—such as civil society, journalists, EITI Multi-Stakeholder Groups (MSGs) and government enforcement agencies—by outlining how the innovations of the 2023 Standard may help advance their efforts.
Matthieu Salomon
Lead, Anticorruption