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Book Launch: 'The Enablers'

15 November 2021 1:00PM EDT

  • Event

  • Ending 2:00PM EDT

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1pm EST

Global Financial Integrity is hosting a launch for Frank Vogl's new book "The Enablers". In this book, Frank Vogl details the large scale of the activities of today’s enablers—banks, real estate brokers, auditors, lawyers, financial consultants, and art auction houses headquartered on Wall Street, in the City of London, and in other major international financial capitals—for their kleptocratic clients and why curbing their operations is critical to secure democracy, enhance national security, and ensure global financial stability. 

  • Frank Vogl, co-founder, Transparency International
  • Raymond Baker, founding president, Global Finance Integrity
  • Alexandra Gillies, advisor, NRGI
  • Tom Cardamone, president and CEO, Global Finance Integrity
  • Zoë Reiter, director of civic engagement, POGO
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