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Documentary Film Premiere: Chasing the Sun

6 September–7 September 2022

  • Event

  • Starting 3:00PM

  • Ending 5:00PM EDT

  • Online

  • Registration closed

Issam Fares Institute for Public Policy and International Affairs (IFI) at the American University of Beirut (AUB) in collaboration with NRGI hosted a two-day event around a new documentary film entitled “ Chasing the Sun – بحثاً عن الشمس” on 6 and 7 September 2022 from 3:00 to 5:00 p.m. at IFI's Auditorium, followed by a panel discussion among experts.

IFI and NRGI have joined forces to shed light on citizen-led initiatives driving the energy transition during this time of crisis. This documentary aims to contribute to an advocacy and awareness campaign to help citizens understand and implement best practices when it comes to the development of solar systems, as well as decision-makers to adopt the necessary regulations for this sector to grow. It highlights the obstacles faced to develop the sector, and explains where Lebanon stands compared to other countries in the region that witnessed a remarkable boom in solar generation during crises or immediately thereafter.
The documentary is based on interviews with a wide range of stakeholders in Lebanon, including energy experts working on the financial, legal and policy issues, solar energy businesses involved in implementation, as well as consumers with the means to install solar energy systems.

Day 1: 6 September, 2022

Panel Discussion: Financing Renewable Energy Projects in Times of Collapse: The Case of Lebanon

Day 2: 7 September 2022

Panel Discussion: Community-based Renewable Energy Projects: Challenges, Opportunities and Lessons Learned


Beirut, Lebanon