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November 2019 News and Analysis from NRGI

  • News from NRGI

  • 27 November 2019


Energy Transition Brings Challenges for New Petroleum Producers

The challenges facing new oil producers have always been complex, and the uncertain future of the global oil and gas market further complicates matters.

Knowing Who Owns Extractive Companies Will Help Myanmar Thrive
In this Myanmar Times commentary, NRGI experts highlight the important steps taken by the government and civil society actors toward the disclosure of the identities of the beneficial owners of extractive companies. They also discuss remaining challenges.

Many National Oil Companies are "Hidden Giants"

It’s time for more transparency in the management and governance of national oil companies, write three NRGI experts in the new edition of the IMF's Finance & Development magazine. They observe a critical absence of scrutiny of NOCs and the policies that governments employ to manage them, and suggest that this carries major risks for dozens of economies around the world.


10e Session de l’Université d’été sur la gouvernance des industries extractives en Afrique francophone

NRGI and its partner institution CEGIEAF are now accepting applications for the August 2020 Francophone Africa Regional Extractive Industries Knowledge Hub Course.


Indonesia: Disclosure Regarding Mining Contracts, Licenses Essential
Indonesian mining contracts and licenses—the documents detailing the government’s agreements with companies for the exploitation of minerals—remain out of public view despite legislation and court orders that support their publication.

Civil Society Opportunities within EITI Mainstreaming: A Perspective from the Philippines
Using civil society’s EITI journey in her country as a jumping-off point, NRGI board member Cielo Magno reflects on the opportunities and risks related to EITI mainstreaming for civil society consultation and participation.

Planning for the Future: A Conversation About Indonesia’s Hydrocarbon Trajectory

Crude oil production in Indonesia—a pioneer in production sharing contracts and in the commercialization of liquefied natural gas—has been on a downward trend since reaching peak production in 1994. In this Q&A, SKK Migas' Mohammad Kemal talks about the future of the country's oil sector.

Faut-il revoir la fiscalité pétrolière tunisienne ?

NRGI Impact

Myanmar Ends Opaque Banking of Proceeds from State Enterprises

Following NRGI-led research and advocacy, the Myanmar government disbanded an opaque fund known as "Other Accounts". The estimated USD 8.6 billion in taxes that had been placed in this fund will now be redistributed to conventional, more transparent government channels.

NRGI in the news and on the web

Video: Gobernanza y transparencia en el sector de infraestructura
CAF: Banco de Desarrollo de América Latina

Using extractive industry data to fight inequality & strengthen accountability: Victories, lessons, future directions for Africa

The Brookings Institution

Joint NGO Letter to IMF Executive Board: Delay Vote on Equatorial Guinean Loan
Human Rights Watch

IMF: Delay Vote on Equatorial Guinea Loan
Human Rights Watch

El Arriero: entrevista a Daniel Kaufmann
La Mula (Peru)

Mining decentralisation in Myanmar requires better implementation to succeed
Myanmar Times

Nigeria waits for promises to be fulfilled
Petroleum Economist

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