5th Africa Oil Governance Summit
23 October 2019 • 9:15AM GMT
This event will be held at the Labadi Beach Hotel.
The Africa Oil Governance Summit (AOGS) is the flagship programme of the Africa Centre for Energy Policy (ACEP). The main goal of the summit is to expose and address pertinent governance and development issues pertaining to the management and use of oil and gas resources across the African continent.
The Africa Oil Governance Summit (AOGS) is the flagship programme of the Africa Centre for Energy Policy (ACEP). The main goal of the summit is to expose and address pertinent governance and development issues pertaining to the management and use of oil and gas resources across the African continent.
PANEL: Empowering Youth & Women for Economic Opportunities Along the Oil & Gas Value Chain
Facilitator: Nafi Chinery (Ghana Country Manager, NRGI)
- Janet Adeyemi (President, Women In Mining, Nigeria)
- Ikal Angelei (Executive Director, Friends of Lake Turkana, Kenya)
- Nader Khalifa (Snr. Petroleum Economist, Ministerial Executive Office, Ministry of Energy & Mining, Sudan)
- Prof. Adriano Nuvungah (Executive Director, Centre for Democratic Development, Mozambique)