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May 2017 News and Analysis from NRGI

  • News from NRGI

  • 31 May 2017

resource governance index launch

NRGI will launch the 2017 Resource Governance Index on 28 June. The index comprises new assessments of oil, gas and mining governance in 81 countries. Index scores, rankings and analysis will reside on a standalone website, and a global webcast featuring prominent experts will stream on the day of the launch. The hashtag is #ResourceGovernanceIndex.


Governing the Gemstone Sector: Lessons from Global Experience
Drawing on the experiences of gemstone producing countries, this report identifies leading challenges for governance and highlights key considerations for governments. The report is available in English and Myanmar language. A briefing focusing on Myanmar specifically is also available in English and Myanmar language.

Estimated global rough gemstone sales, 2015
global gemstone sales

Executive Course on Oil, Gas and Mining Governance
executive course in oil

A unique collaboration between the University of Oxford’s Blavatnik School of Government and NRGI, this intensive five-day course provides the training and insight required for senior policy-makers from around the world to manage and better govern their nation’s oil, gas or mineral resources. There are a limited number of scholarships covering the full cost of tuition, available to eligible candidates from a select number of resource-rich countries. Apply by 5 June.


Three Steps to Improve Sovereign Wealth Fund Performance
Sovereign wealth funds can be effective tools for managing natural resource revenues. However, as their numbers continue to grow, with the largest funds managing hundreds of billions or even a trillion dollars in assets, researchers are paying more attention to how well these funds are governed.

Who Really Benefited from the Commodities Supercycle in Latin America?
Resource-rich Latin American countries experienced high rates of economic growth and diminished poverty and inequality during the boom years. On the surface, this would appear to strengthen arguments that extractive industries are key to progress, especially in resource-rich areas, despite their negative environmental impacts. But a closer look shows that things are a bit more complicated.

Spotlight on data

Tullow Disclosure Yields Insight into Ghana Oil, Gas Sector


Improving Resource Governance in the Kyrgyz Republic: 12 Priority Issues for the Mining Sector
NRGI developed a high-level analysis of the Kyrgyz Republic's mineral resources governance, available in English and Russian. Along with a brief contextual overview of the country's resource management policies and processes, NRGI’s analysis presents 12 priority issues for further work and reform.


Civil Society's New Agenda After the End of the Commodities Supercycle in Peru
NRGI Latin America director Carlos Monge spoke with Peruvian civil society organization Grupo Propuesto Ciudadana in this Spanish-language video. He also wrote about the topic in a blog post for American University's Center for Latin American & Latino Studies.

NRGI in the news and on the web

Nigeria moves closer to long-delayed overhaul of oil sector
Financial Times [paywall]

Proposed Gemstone Legislation Risks Leaving Flawed System Intact
Myanmar Times

Ghana Petroleum Revenue Management Act: Back to Basics
Ghana News Online

Nigeria's Senate passes long-awaited oil governance bill

NRGI Supports African Center for Media Excellence Journalist Training (Facebook)
The African Centre for Media Excellence (ACME)

Record Number of Participants Attend GPA’s Executive Course on Reversing the Resource Curse
Central European University School of Public Policy

#NEITISMW: How Social Media [Influencers] Can Reform, Manage Nigeria's Oil, Gas and Mining Sectors (Nigeria)

Government Asked to Fully Empower Public Interest and Accountability Committee
Ghana Broadcasting Corporation

Azerbaijan’s Uneasy Transition to a Post-Oil Era: Domestic and International Constraints
PONARS Eurasia

Obiang Visit - Did Museveni Get Useful Advice On Oil?
The Observer (Uganda)