Videos: NRGI perspectives on International Women’s Day 2023
Learn more about why a just energy must involve and respect women in this blog post and from NRGI colleagues in the videos below.
Suneeta Kaimal, president and chief executive officer
Tengi George-Ikoli, senior officer
Denis Gyeyir, Africa program officer
Aida Diop, senior Senegal program officer
Juliana Peña Niño, Latin America senior officer
Emma Dahmani, program and administrative assistant
A just energy transition must involve and empower women.
Suneeta Kaimal
President and Chief Executive Officer
Tengi George-Ikoli
Senior Officer
Aida Diop
Senegal Senior Program Officer
Emma Dahmani
Program and Administrative Associate
Denis Gyeyir
Africa Senior Program Officer
Juliana Peña Niño
Colombia Country Manager
Alexandra Malmqvist
Senior Communications Officer